What does fluorescence mean in diamonds?


What does fluorescence mean in diamonds?

Fluorescence in diamonds is a fascinating phenomenon that often sparks curiosity and doubts among buyers and sellers of these precious gems. Although it may seem like a minor characteristic at first glance, fluorescence can have a significant impact on the appearance and value of a diamond. In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide to understanding how this property affects diamonds and whether it can be an advantage or a disadvantage when it comes to selling them.

Fluorescence in Diamonds: The Mysterious Glow Under UV Light

Fluorescence is the ability of certain diamonds to emit a visible glow when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. When subjected to this type of light, the diamond can emit a visible glow, typically in bluish tones, although it can also appear in colors such as yellow, green, or even white. It is important to note that diamonds with fluorescence do not glow in the dark on their own; this phenomenon occurs only under the influence of a UV source, such as sunlight or fluorescent lights.

How Does a Diamond Look Under Ultraviolet Light?

This aspect is relevant in the evaluation of diamonds because it can alter how the diamond is perceived under different light sources. What happens when a beam of light hits a fluorescent diamond? The diamond may appear brighter or whiter, while in other cases, it can lead to a hazy or less clear perception.

The Mechanism of Fluorescence: Why Does the Diamond Shine?

Fluorescence in diamonds is an optical phenomenon that occurs when a diamond emits visible light after absorbing ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Diamonds are formed from carbon atoms arranged in a cubic crystal lattice structure. Fluorescence in diamonds is generally caused by the presence of impurities or defects in the crystal structure. These defects may include boron, nitrogen, or other elements that are not part of the regular carbon arrangement.

When a fluorescent diamond is exposed to UV radiation, the atoms of the impurities or defects in the diamond's structure absorb the energy from the UV light. This energy is sufficient to excite the electrons in these atoms to higher energy levels. After absorbing the UV energy, the excited electrons in the impurity atoms return to their normal energy state. In this relaxation process, they release the absorbed energy in the form of visible light.

How Light Type Affects the Appearance of the Diamond

Fluorescence can alter how a diamond sparkles depending on the type of light it is exposed to. Under UV light, a diamond with strong fluorescence can shine brightly, creating a spectacular and unique visual effect. This phenomenon does not affect all diamonds in the same way; the intensity and color of the glow can vary based on the diamond's chemical composition and the type of light it is exposed to, with blue being the most common color among fluorescent diamonds.

Stones that glow under ultraviolet light can provide a striking and unique visual effect, as the temporary glow can change the perception of the gem. However, under normal lighting conditions, this effect may be less noticeable. For some, the added sparkle can enhance the beauty of the diamond, while for others, it may be a characteristic they prefer to avoid.

Gradation of Fluorescence: From Subtle Glow to Intense Shine

Gemological laboratories classify fluorescence and document it on diamond certificates. Fluorescence in diamonds is graded based on the intensity of the visible glow under UV light:

  • None: The diamond shows no visible fluorescence.
  • Faint: Fluorescence is barely perceptible.
  • Medium: The stone emits a moderate glow under UV light.
  • Strong: Fluorescence is evident and may alter the perception of the color.
  • Very Strong: The glow is intense and can significantly change the appearance of the diamond.

How Does Fluorescence Affect the Value of a Diamond?

Fluorescence can influence a diamond's value in complex ways. Generally, diamonds with strong fluorescence tend to be slightly less expensive. This is because some buyers prefer stones without this property, believing that it might affect the clarity or make the gem appear cloudy under certain lighting conditions. However, in some cases, fluorescence can increase a diamond's perceived value, especially if it enhances desirable characteristics, such as a whiter appearance.

For example, a diamond with a slight yellow tint may appear whiter under UV light if it has blue fluorescence. This can be seen as a benefit, increasing the gem’s perceived value.

Fluorescent Diamonds: Advantages and Disadvantages When Selling

Fluorescence in diamonds can be either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the buyer. For some, it can enhance the sparkle and give the gem a unique character. For others, it may be a factor to avoid. It is crucial to understand how this property can influence market valuation. When selling a diamond, it’s important to consider how fluorescence may affect buyers' perceptions and adjust the selling strategy accordingly.

It is worth noting that not all diamonds exhibit fluorescence. Only about 25% to 35% of diamonds show some degree of this property. In most cases, fluorescence is weak or moderate, while only a small percentage displays strong or very strong fluorescence. Therefore, diamonds with intense fluorescence are less common and may be more appealing to some buyers due to their uniqueness.

Conclusion: What You Need to Know When Selling Diamonds with Fluorescence

Fluorescence in diamonds is a characteristic that can influence both the appearance and the value of the gem. It is essential to understand how this property can affect a diamond's market valuation. If you have a diamond with fluorescence, consult with an expert to obtain an accurate and fair assessment.

At Auctentic, we are here to help you! We offer professional advice and a fair assessment of your jewelry, including diamonds with or without fluorescence. Contact us today for an evaluation of your inherited jewelry and to ensure a fair distribution of the inheritance. If you also wish to sell them, we can assist you with the process to ensure you receive the best possible value.
